

Diabetes Drug prescribed to control blood sugar in patients with Type 2 diabetes.

History: AstraZeneca’s Onglyza received FDA approval in 2009. In 2016 the FDA released a warning that serious side effects were linked with the use of Onglyza.  Patients with kidney or heart disease have a greater risk of heart failure.  As a result, the FDA added a warning to label to the labels of medication that contain saxagliptin.

The first lawsuit against the manufacturer AstraZeneca for wrongful death is pending in the Cook County Circuit Court in Illinois. The patient was prescribed Onglyza in 2010 and experienced heart failure in June 2011. She had been hospitalized twice before dying from complications related to the drug Onglyza. Her daughter filed the wrongful death lawsuit and claims the manufacturer knew the risks but did not warn the public.

Related Drugs: Januvia, Janumet, Janumet XR, Tradjenta, Glyxambi, Jentadueto, Nesina, Kazano, and Oseni

Mild Side Effects: Upper respiratory tract infection, Urinary tract Infection, Headache, Stomach pain, Runny nose, Sore throat, Cough, Low blood sugar, Diarrhea, Nausea, Vomiting

Serious Side Effects: Ketoacidosis, Pancreatitis and Heart failure

Manufacturer: AstraZeneca